The great photo excursions!

The great photo excursions!
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Friday, 25 September 2015

On the road again... Italy and Greece 2015.

September 22nd.  On my way to Europe.

Off to an ominous start. I head to YVR early on Tuesday morning. Its 7:30 am and I meet up with my sister, Michelle. We have arrived at YVR with ample time to spare. All checked in, we stop for a tea and make our way to our gate. It is 8:30 and our flight is at 9:10.

As we near the gate we see the notice, the flight to Montreal has been delayed. Now departing 11:30. I begin to panic … this is not a good thing! That means we will miss our connection to Rome. And Cynthia will be in Montreal waiting for us.

We quickly grab our stuff and head to the Air Canada Service counter. They confirm we will miss our flight out of Montreal and there is no later flight to Rome today. However, they can get us on a flight to Toronto and on to Rome if we hurry. This means we will have to meet up with Cynthia in Rome. And who knows where our luggage will end up. We have to boot it to the other end of the terminal because the flight to Toronto departs in 15 minutes.

Arriving in Toronto with lots of time to spare, we are assured our luggage made the flight and we settle down for some very good, very expensive wine before boarding our overnite flight to Rome.




The journey continues…

Sept. 23rd.  An 8 hour flight later and a few winks of sporadic sleep and we land in Rome at 10:30 am. (That’s 1:30 am in Vancouver.) The sun is bright, it’s a beautiful day. We have a train to catch from downtown Rome’s Termini Station at 12:26 but first have to see if our luggage made it, clear customs and immigration, meet up with Cynthia and get downtown to the terminal. In less than 2 hours….


But the Gods are with us today. Our luggage is there and we are through in less than a half hour. It takes longer than that to get your luggage in YVR! And there is a shuttle departing immediately for Termini Station. Hooray!!!

On board now, we settle in to our big comfortable seats on the Trenitalia train and enjoy our ride through the Italian countryside toward Napoli (Naples) on the Amalfi Coast.


From Naples we transfer to an old, heavily grafittied Circumvesuvia train which will carry us to Sorrento. Finally at 4:06 we are there… almost 24 hours later.
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Caio Bella Italia… the sun shines, the sea glimmers in the bright light. We drag our suitcases through the rough, cobblestone alleys to our apartment, home for the next 5 days. The adventure begins.  Come With Me……..


Entertaining us on the train.

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