Europe 2017: Spain and Portugal
Sept 17th. Barcelona Bound.
It is Sunday morning, early, as I lug my bags out of the back of
the Jeep at YVR, Vancouver’s International Airport.

A quick wave and I disappear into the vast expanse of the
Passport. Tick.
Boarding Pass. Tick.
To the kiosk for the bag tags! (Sometimes I wonder if all
this do-it-yourself-everything – check-in-online, print your own boarding pass,
haul your own bag to the conveyor belt and plop it on, face down of course –
has really reduced the number of staff and overhead, or if it just means the
airline workers get to watch us do all the work and make their life easier.)
I bag lighter, I am on to security. A deceptively long line
snakes back and forth feeding to two security checkpoints way to the right
while business clad travellers, smug and efficient, breeze by, Nexus card
proudly clasped in their manicured hands.
“We will BE boarding this flight in Zones”, announces the
cheery gate attendant. “Please check your boarding pass for your zone number.”
Despite the fact the plane is still being cleaned and
checked and boarding will not commence for another fifteen or twenty minutes,
travellers quickly grab their bags and scurry to be first in their designated
line. It is tempting to join in that unspoken competition, not to be at the
back of the line. But really… after all we all have assigned seats, no one is
going to take your seat. So I remain in my seat watching the lines build.
Finally the boarding begins, Zone 1 (Business Class, definitely not me – too
cheap), Zone 2 (Elite- not, that’s not me – too smug and pretentious).
Zone 3 – I think 90% of the plane – and me- are in Zone 3.
The line winds well down the corridor, melding into Flight 342 to Calgary.
Confused flyers wander aimlessly, trying to decipher where they should be. Every
now and them a bold flyer injects themselves into the line, confidently and
assertively. Despite the fact the line obviously winds into infinitely beyond, they
determine it is their place to assert themselves well forward into the line.
But, being Canadians, we shake our heads politely, grumble a little, and let
them in.
Finally, settled in, the plane roars, liftoff, we soar into
the clear blue sky and I am on my way. Next stop, Toronto.
A brief stop to met up with my travel buddies, have an expensive glass of wine at YYZ and we are off, Barcelona bound.... Come With Me.
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